Better ConNEcted
We are a regional campaign working to improve digital inclusion across the North East of England.
We are a regional campaign working to improve digital inclusion across the North East of England.
The aim of the organisation shall be to provide training and support to vulnerable communities and unemployed people around employ-ability skills, life skills and interpersonal skills, leading to further education/training or future employment. The mediums of hair, make up and design will be used for engagement and empowerment of people living in isolation; with health … Read more
We like to provide digital devices, data access and training to people who are vulnerable and disadvantaged. We also like to establish digital device bank to distribute refurbished devices to people in need.
If you’re interested in setting up a Reboot project, why not download the full Reboot playbook? Regardless of your budget and IT skills, it will help you develop a well-structured Reboot process and maximise your donations!